Danube Delta is UNESCO mab biosphere reserve, the second largest delta
in Europe.
Danube Delta is the 3rd in ecological significance among the 300 reserves
of the world.
It has the richest ornithological fauna in the world (over 300 species).
Danube Delta is among the fewest places in the world which shelter mammals
like Mustella lutreola and the otter (Lutra lutra).
Mammals in the Danube
Delta live in the higher areas that cannot be reached by waters: Otters,
minks, muskrats, foxes, wild bears, wolves. Other animals:
tortoises, adders and colonies of snakes, especially on the islands
of Lake Razim. Birds: golden eagles, black-winged
eagles, shelldrakes, pelicans, reed nightingales, buntings, sea swallows,
seagulls, fishing eagles, sea eagles, small cormorants, singing swans,
South of Babina, at about 10 km distance, there is the
lake Rosca which harbours geese, egrets, storks and Europe's largest
pelican colony.
Bisericuta, an island on lake Razim, is located approximately 6,5
miles east of Unirea. Remains of settlements dating from the Bronze
Age and Byzantine times can still be seen.
Caraorman ("the black forest") is a village situated on
the sandbank near Crisan on Sulina Arm. Around it are sanddunes nearly
2 m high and the oak tree forest with tropical aspect, having wildlife
such as boars owls, eagles, falcons, wildcats and wolves.