The classic European spa is a thermal - mineral water springs resort,
where people take a cure under medical supervision.
Romania has one third of European thermal and mineral springs.
The healing effect of these springs is proved and make these
spas so popular.
First discovered by ancient Romans, Hercules Spa (Baile Herculane) and Calimanesti-Caciulata Spa, from where Napoleon III use to take mineral water are famous spas.
Romania is very rich in mineral resources, as the thermal, the sulfurous
or salted water, the natural mud. The salt-mines, the ozone rich mountain
air are other healing natural factors.
to the Most
Revolutionary Spa Program in the World is in
Romania. The Green Bel is an area of lakes and public gardens situated in Northern
Dr. Ana Aslan discovered here the serum that is supposed to stop the aging
process and in certain cases to reverse it.
The patented biothopic drugs Gerovital H3 and Aslavital are available
as an additional treatment at most Romanian Spas, as well as the specialised
Green Bel Otopeni Clinic and Flora Geriatric Hotel in Bucharest.
Gerovital is good for "preserving youthfulness, vitality, increased
energy to unparalleled levels, improvement of memory and physical and
intellectual capacity." In the words of Dr. Ana Aslan, "Under
the direction of my qualified staff, you will be able to feel young once
SPA (BAILE FELIX) (is situated near Oradea) Therapeutic Indications:
Rheumatism, Arthrites, Arthrose, Spondilosis, Muscle diseases condition,
Neurological and Metabolical disorders. Natural factors:
Thermal mineral water, rich in sulphur, bicarbonates, calcium and
oligoelements, Sapropelic mud, Balanced Climate. Hotels: International (***),
Termal (***), Felix (**) and Nufarul (**).
SPA (BAILE HERCULANE) gained its name from the Roman legend
that Hercules cured the wounds inflicted by the Hydra by bathing
in its mineral springs. Therapeutic Indications:
Rheumatism, Post treumatism, Metabolic illnesses, Gynaecology, Oftamology,
Cardiovascular ailments Curative factors:
15 mineral and termal spring water (41-60 C) Hotels:
Roman (***), Afrodita (**), Dacia (**), Diana (**), Hercules (**).
(60 km from Târgu-Mures), altitude 500m, near Gurghiu volcanic
Well known for the heliothermal waters of lake Ursu, unique in Europe
due the temperature of the deeper water higher than the surface temperature.
Therapeutic Indications:
Cardiovascular, Gynaecological diseases, disorders of the Locomotor
and Nervous system, combating Sterility. Curative factors:
strongly mineralized waters and the sapropelic mud. Hotels:
Alunis (**), Bradet (**), Faget (**), Sovata (*).
The clean air, rich in ozone and the relatively low pressure are the
main cure factors recommended in the treatment of astheric neurosis,
weakly conditions, physical and intellectual overexertion, certain
endocrine disorders.
was Napoleon III's favourite source of mineral water. Therapeutic Indications:
Digestive, Urinary, Kidney and Gall Bladder related diseases, also
Gynaecological, Neurological, Endocrine and Sterility disorders.
Curative factors:
The climate, the mineral water springing from a depth of 250 m Hotels: Caciulata (**), Cozia
(**), Oltul (**), Traian (*).
TUSNAD (32 km from Miercurea Ciuc) Therapeutic
Disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine
diseases. Curative factors:
Ferruginous mineral waters, rich in chlorine, and the ionized air.
Hotels: Olt (**), Tusnad (**),
Ciucas (*).
GEOAGIU BAI, much praised by the ancient Romans (200 A.C.) as
Germisara, lies in an area of wooded hills, 46 km from Deva. Therapeutic Indications: Rheumatic, Endocrine diseases, post-traumatic stress,
Gynaecological, Nutritional and Dermatological disorders. Curative factors:
Thermal-water pool (30 C), bicarbonated mineral waters, rich in calcium
and magnesium, and the ferruginous, iodated muds.
Hotels: Diana (**), Deva (**).
NORD, EFORIE SUD and TECHIRGHIOL- resorts on the
Black Sea coast - are well-known for the curative properties of
the black, sapropelic mud extracted from nearby lake Techirghiol.
factors: The strongly ionized air, the sea aerosols, and
the wide beaches provide excellent conditions for combining vacation
with balneary and geriatric cures.
and MANGALIA, also the sea coast, have facilities for the
treatment of degenative rheumatic diseases, as well as for articulary
and inflamatory ailments.
OLANESTI Therapeutic Indications:
Chronic Kidney and Urinary System disease, Digestive, Gastritis, Hepatitis,
Urinary and Gall Bladder related diseases, Diabetes, Obese, Lung diseases,
Laryngitis, Nose or Respiration allergists,
Neurological and Endocrine dysfunction. Curative factors:
The hill climate, 24 mineral water springs. Hotels:
Olanesti (**), Parang (**).
GOVORA Therapeutic Indications:
Rheumatism, Nervous system diseases as paresis, Gastritis and Ulcer,
Renal diseases as infections in incipient phase, Gynaecological, Neurological
dysfunction. Curative factors:
The hill climate, the mineral water springs. Hotels:
Palace(**), Parc (**), Silva, Oltenia(**).